Welcome to the unofficial Live Aid site.

This site is dedicated to the original 1985 Live Aid concerts.

Click on the "Who Played What" tab on the left to check
who played where, track lists and groups compositions.

Click on the "Tv & Broadcast" tab you'll be able to check
how Live Aid was aired by the various chanels.

You can send donations at :

Band Aid Charitable Trust
c/o BDO Stoy Hayward LLP
8 Baker Street

Tel: 020 7893 3340
Fax: 020 7486 5042


This site is dedicated to the original Live Aid 85 concerts. For details about the Live8 concerts around the world, visit the following web sites :

All pages and informations are © liveiad.free.fr.
Do not use without permission.
Contributions credited in respective pages
Photos are credited and used under permission of their respective owners (memorabilia page)
Screen shots are grabbed from BBC ; ABC ; MTV original coverages.

site created (January 2002) & maintained by Jean-Manuel Esnault
with special thanks to Daniel Agudo Rodríguez for all the time spent on research and corrections.

contact us
designed and best viewed on 1024x768

Live Aid ; July 13th 1985 : who played what, when and where ? Complete track list and detailled informations about the various radio and tv broadcasts (on BBC ; ABC and MTV). Photo gallery and links to lots of internet ressources.